Monday, 16 January 2012

Cell Parts Defined

Cell Membrane- Acts as barrier, not letting most molecules get into the cell.
Nucleus- Where the DNA is kept, and the RNA is transcribed. RNA is moved out of it through the nuclear pores, and the nucleus is referred to as the brain of the whole cell.
Nuclear Envelope- Separating the contents from the nucleus from the cytoplasm.
Nuclear Pore- RNA is moved through the nuclear pores to the rest of the cell.
Chromatin- The material of which the chromosomes of organisms other than bacteria.
Cytoplasm- All the contents outside the nucleus.
Mitochondrion- Main energy source of the cell, this is where the energy is created.
Golgi Complex- It processes and packages proteins inside of the cell.
Vacuole-Single membraned organelles of the cell.
Lysosome-Digestive system of the cell, breaks down molecules into digestive enzymes.
Ribosome-Found in the cytoplasm, this is where the RNA is transferred into proteins thorough a process called synthesis.
Endoplasmic Reticulum- Transport system for molecules.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

3 Ways We Tried to Find Life In Space :-))

1.) One very old way that we have tried finding out if there is life on other planets is by sending an astronaut into space to observe everything that he possibly can, and to tell us if there are any signs of life on different planets. This has later evolved into the Hubble Space Telescope (without people) that takes pictures that scientist later analyze for any life. This way seems very basic to us today, but it was a desperate attempt to find life without very advanced technology.
2.) Later, we have also taken samples of the core on different surfaces, such as the moon, and other different planets, and tested them thoroughly in labs to see if there are is any living cell or organism on it.All of the samples were tested for DNA, and bacteria, to give us some clue if there might be something on that planet, or in outer space in general.
3.) People have also tried to search for evidence of any other life in the Bible. How ever strange this might sound, there is the belief that God, since he had already created life on Earth, might have done it elsewhere. Even though there was not a lot in the Bible, it does say "For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them.” This largely hints that  there might be something else out there to look for.