Thursday 22 September 2011

Superhero X-Ray Vision

Every Superhero has his own power, each being the indicator of his strength, power, and talents. Our superhero for today has the power of X-Ray vision, and his name is George. Ever since he was a little boy, he has been able to see through people and could see their bones and that has given him huge advantages in his life. At first, his amazing gift was underestimated, and not valued as it should be. People did not take him seriously, and did not believe that he really had a magic power, but thankfully, at one point, everything changed. When he was 10 and people understood that they could use him for a lot of good things and to make improvements, he immediately dropped school, and started working as a doctor and bone specialist. Everybody understood that his talent would help catch a lot of diseases people might have, and stop every bone problem from it’s core. X-rays are absorbed by bones, and make bright areas in X-ray images- this is also how his sight worked, but it was about 10000000 times more clear and effective.
One regular July day, everything was going by it’s regular path, people were regularly doing their work, and this day was not out of the regular. But, for one woman, this day was about to change her life. She was having knee pain for several years, and she had thought that she had done it all. She went to specialists around the world, surgeons, tried holistic medicine, and nothing was helping her. Also, she never knew what was really the issue with her knee, nobody could quite determine that- everybody saw the problem, and where it was, but nobody could see what was really wrong. Every specialist she went to did an X-ray, hoping to find an answer to the mystery, but all of them had the same answers in store- everything is blurry in the picture. Finally, as her knee was getting worse by the day, she heard of George, but could not believe it. She thought that nobody was able to work so well for no money and pay. But, she decided to go and see what he could offer her.
When she came to George’s office, the woman explained everything that was on her mind, and how frightened she was. George just took one quick glance at her knee, and knew the problem. He said that it was cancer at it’s starting stage. Since it was only a starting stage of cancer, you could not see it on the other machine X-rays, but George had an extremely clear view of everything, and determined the issue. The woman was able to treat this issue since it was discovered on time, and thanked George for using his extremely powerful and clear X-ray eyes to help her save her life, and for doing it out of the goodness of his heart.

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